Welcome to Martial Images

Welcome to Martial Images, the official site for the Martial Arts Photo Studio. We capture and showcase your passion for martial arts. If you are a martial arts enthusiast who would like to preserve your favorite martial arts memories forever, you are at the right place!!

Our photographer is a champion Black Belt and expert in martial arts photography. You have trained so hard. You deserve to have the best photographer to capture and preserve your best moves and proudest moments in martial arts. We can do that for you!

Why Choose Martial Arts Photo Studio?

1. We specialize in martial arts photography

As you know, martial arts photography requires specialized skills. It’s very different from regular studio portraits or other sports photography. In addition to having excellent photography skills, the photographer must be able to capture your martial arts moves as well as who you are as a martial artist.

When it comes to action shots in martial arts photography, the ability to capture the right move at the right time (i.e. freeze the action at the perfect timing) is extremely crucial. Especially when you are executing a martial arts move — during your training, breaking, sparring, Black Belt promotion test, or during a tournament — sometimes there is no second chance. The photographer’s ability to anticipate AND capture the right action move at the right time can make or break the picture.

General sports photography experience is NOT enough to produce excellent martial arts photography, since martial arts is such a specialized art form. We have years of experience in capturing these special moments for our clients (both adults and children) at martial arts schools, school demo team performances, martial arts tournaments etc.

2. Our photographer has many years of training in both photography AND martial arts

Our photographer is a champion Black Beltwho has trained and won multiple gold medals in several styles of martial arts. The training, competition experiences and intimate knowledge in various styles of martial arts is PRICELESS!That means our photographer knows what martial arts moves look good, what angle to take the shots, and how to anticipate AND capture them at the perfect timing for YOU.

3. We bring our martial arts photo studio to you

We will come to your martial arts school, martial arts tournament, or a location of your choice. It saves you precious time, money and energy. This will also help you perform your best, and guarantee the best possible photo shoot to showcase your martial arts skills.

You have trained SO hard to get to where you are in martial arts. Don’t you want to preserve your best martial arts moves and proudest moments FOREVER?

Make sure you hire the right martial arts photographer. The Martial Arts Photography Studio is the right choice for YOU!